Donate simply and securely with the credit card of choice via CanadaHelps.
Click here and you will be linked with the CanadaHelps payment system. Complete the form and your donation is complete, and CanadaHelps sends your tax receipt direct to your inbox.
Our donor address is (auto-deposit):
- Sign in to to your banks electronic banking.
- Select E-Transfer as your type of transaction.
- Enter the amount you wish to donate.
- Transfer is to be sent to This address is configured to auto deposit to the Rotary Club of North Bay bank account.
- So we can create a tax receipt, in the message area, please include: donation for Rotary4Kids, your mailing address and email address. The bank only provides your name and the amount of the transfer on our notification and without your contact information, we cannot generate a receipt (CRA requires tax receipts include a physical address).
- Accept our thanks for helping Rotary help kids!
Payable to Rotary4Kids and mail to:
PO Box 242
North Bay, ON P1B 8H2
All donations and sponsorships receive a charitable tax receipt issued by The Rotary Club of North Bay, Donations made via CanadaHelps receive a CanadaHelps charitable tax receipt. As a volunteer based local Service Club, you can be assured overhead and fundraising costs are kept to a minimum, so your donation is spent on area children.
Redpath Rotary4Kids accepts donations throughout the year, but the bulk of our fundraising takes place in March each year in conjunction with “Kev’s Kids” on Country 90.5 radio.
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