Become A Community Sponsor
Dear Potential Sponsor:
Once again, we need your help to make a difference in our community! The 2025 Redpath Rotary4Kids campaign will take place on Thursday, March 27th, and Friday, March 28th.
Since its inception, The Redpath Rotary4Kids Radio Marathon has raised over $1.6 million for local children and youth. The Rotary Club of North Bay has used 100% of these funds to purchase equipment and support families and programs for disabled youth in North Bay. This is all thanks to our generous donors – individuals, families, organizations, and businesses, large and small!
Some of the equipment and services purchased:
- Specialized bikes
- Adaptability equipment such as grab bars for washrooms.
- Wheelchairs
- Special strollers
- Sensory equipment
- Travel to / accommodation for families to visit together when a child is hospitalized out of town and one parent remains.
- Specialty camps, such as Autism camp
The list is endless, but it takes a village.
We are looking to our generous community partners to help us again in 2025. The truth is that kids need more help. With less government funding, the entire family is under stress, both financially and emotionally.
By supporting Rotary 4 Kids, 100% of your donations go to helping local youth. Please help us reach our goal this year and participate in Rotary4Kids and Kev’s Kids radio marathon on CFCH. This year’s events kick off Thursday, March 27th, LIVE on CFCH at 5:30 AM and wraps up at 10:00 AM, Friday, March 28th, at the YMCA. Download the message to share with your colleagues.
We appreciate your consideration,
Jeff Hobbs, Chair
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